Monday, May 29, 2023
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Why Does Gender Inequality Matter?

I have been especially struck by Oxfam recent work on inequality, including finding that last year “the world’s richest 80 people had the same...

Pope Francis: Times change and Christians must change continuously

Pope Francis said that the times are changing and we Christians must change continuously, freely but within the truth of the faith. He urged...

Soliloquy of Satan’s enemy

Why so much evil? Why does the evil one always get what he wants? Why does he jubilate when a soul dies? Why does...

Gambling in Uganda: The changing faces

Casinos, Go-lotto, JADA, Premier Lottery have all robbed Ugandans of their hard earned money.  Gambling has been adopted as a marketing strategy by many...

Gender equality or gender equity?

In real human relations, equality is an ideal, something we tend to, and never a reality. Most ideals are dreams, departures from reality. To...

Deceitful Dreams

What liars you are, my dreams! At your behest, lions have I strangled single-handedly from an angle of my arm in my dreams. Trips I...